Aqua Vitae
500ml   50%abv
50ml   50%abv
For that perfect Halloween flavour, sink your teeth into a nice slice of Tea Brack in a glass! With raisin sweetness and warm spices, this bitters marks the change in seasons as the days and light start to draw in, it's time to get cozy.

Aromatic Hedgerow
50ml   50%abv
The role of the humble hedgerow is far from simply that of a field boundary. They are part of the historical fabric of the countryside, defining the shape of the land, like the streets of an ancient city. They are home to much fauna and flora, which is where we draw our inspiration for this recipe
Provides a drier finish and a complex herbaceous character to your libations

Marmalade Citrus
50ml   50%abv
Marmalade is an evocative ingredient, often either loved or hated, this recipe goes a long way to bringing peoples palates round to truly understanding how great a medley of citrus can be!
​With zest and vigor this accentuates the more delicate notes on both palate and nose

Chocolate Factory
50ml   50%abv
The home of our bitters, The Chocolate Factory, and so its namesake, shown here, harken back to time where our building was once redolent with the creamy chocolate aromas of cacao and nougat. Subtle in its approach, Chocolate Factory bitters will not over power, nor cloy, your palate or drink.
Designed with balance in mind, one can deliver from gentle earthiness to unctuous decadence, at a whim.

Homeboy Irish Coffee Bitters
50ml   50%abv
Our collaboration with Aaron and Ciaran of Homeboy Bar in London.
HOMEBOY IRISH COFFEE BITTERS allows everyone to make the best possible Irish Coffee’s, from home bars to five star hotels. This bitters is designed to give an Irish coffee made with - Instant, espresso or craft coffee body to balance the whiskey.

Dingle Dawn Bitters
13ml   50%abv
Exclusively in Dingle Gin gift boxes
These beautiful bitters started as a story of our visit to Dingle and the most magical dawn over the peninsular of Dingle and a particularly memorable sunrise that stained the sky pink. These bitters do just that to your G&T and release a fantastic Irish berry bouquet in any beverage!

New Flavors
Coming soon

Our Range
The selection of Bitters manufactured by Off the Cuffe are not only of the highest quality, but are also available in a variety of flavours to ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for in craft drinks. With organic botanicals, high quality Irish whiskey newmake spirit and somewhat obsessed team, we guarantee satisfaction.
This is our recreation of a 700 year old recipe. This herbaceous Spirit drink has its roots in the birthplace of Irish whiskey and recipe dates to 1324.
With bold hot spice notes on the nose and palate, it is summed up best as 'Christmas in a glass'.
Although a fantastic straight drink, this spirit mixes brilliantly with others due to its high level of flavour and dry spicy finish.